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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is to increase the breast volume with breast prostheses placed under the breast tissue. This intervention can be applied for structurally small breasts or breasts that have become smaller and hollowed after birth. In addition to its small size, if there is sagging in the breasts, this procedure can be combined with mastopexy (breast lift). As a result of the sagging of the breast, if the nipple has descended under the fold under the breast, placing only a breast prosthesis will not prevent this sagging, so breast lifting procedures should be performed together.

Silicone breast prostheses are used in breast augmentation operations. There are silicone ones in the consistency of jelly and types that can be filled with salt water. The outer shells of both types of prostheses consist of the same silicone material. In addition, prostheses are available in round and natural (tear drop shaped) types. “Cohesive” gel types of gel prostheses have been produced and used in recent years. Even if the outer shell is torn in these prostheses, the gel silicone does not disperse and maintains its shape.

In breast augmentation operations, breast prostheses can be placed at 3 different entry points. The prosthesis can be placed with a 4-5 cm incision made from the sub-breast folds, an incision made from the nipple or an incision made under the armpit. The location of the incision to be made may vary depending on the surgeon's preference, the patient's wishes and the type of prosthesis to be used. Silicone breast prostheses can be placed under the breast tissue through the incision or in a cavity prepared under the chest wall muscle (pectoralis major) under the breast.

Although the placement under the muscle is a little painful in the postoperative period, we prefer this method in most of our patients because it is more advantageous in terms of less problems that may occur after surgery and obtaining more natural results. internal gel silicone tissue tear drop shape (natural type) prostheses. We are of the opinion that the softness of the breast is natural in the long term in gel tissue prostheses compared to water-filled prostheses.

While deciding on the size of the breast prosthesis and therefore the size of the breast to be formed, the patient's wishes are also taken into account, and the structure and width of the chest wall are the most important determining factors. For this, the diameter of the area where the breasts should be on the chest wall should be measured and prostheses suitable for this diameter should be selected. Prostheses larger than this diameter will cause overflow on the top and sides and a natural result will not be obtained. It should not be forgotten that the best results are natural results that are not known to be surgery.

Breast augmentation operations take 1.5-2 hours on average. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and the patient can be discharged after a few hours or the next day. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants are used for pain caused by arm movements after surgery. Although patients can usually return to work within a few days, it is recommended not to lift heavy things and raise their arms for 3 weeks. Sports such as swimming and tennis can be started from the sixth week. The hardness in the breasts after the surgery disappears within a few weeks and the breasts reach their natural soft consistency.

The most important complication of breast prosthesis surgery is the condition called capsule contact. Capsule contact is the support tissue formed by the body around the prosthesis that distorts the shape of the breast and comes to an extremely hard consistency. This possibility can be minimized by paying attention to some factors. Placing the prosthesis in an appropriate size, placing the prosthesis under the muscle, and working clean and bloodless in surgery will reduce the possibility of capsule contact. Despite all this, a very small percentage (1-2%) may develop severe capsule contact. In this case, the hard capsule formed by a second surgery is removed and the same prostheses are placed again. In today's technology, bursting or rupture of breast prostheses is almost never encountered. Even if this is the case, since non-dispersible gel prostheses (cohesive gel) are used, there is no problem for the patient.

Breast prostheses can be used for many years. They do not need to be changed unless a problem occurs.
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